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The script plan
Of competitive didactic game «the Gold scalpel»

Place of realization: Crimean Republic Centre of Vision Rehabilitation

  • The large assembly hall
  • Operating room
  • Conference hall.

Participants: Students, doctors - interns, clinical interns, doctors

  • Judicial team
  • The arbitrator
  • Jury

Coverage: journalists of mass-media, press photographers, television.


  • Welcome of visitors - an on duty manager (a young man, girl) accompanies guests in the hall
  • Songs «about eyes» and information about CSMU and Centre of Vision Rehabilitation /audio record of a voice and songs/ sound in the assembly hall
  • Participants of the game (three teams), fans of teams, visitors, judges, the director and workers of CRCVR gather in the hall.
  • The hymn of Competitive didactic game sounds.
  • A presenter invites all present people to the hall to participate in the game, invites to take seats. He declares "Opening address" of CSMU rector, Professor A.A. Babanin then Chirsky addresses to the audience ….. who says that such competition - game is carried out among Medical educational institutions of Ukraine for the first time. He tells shortly about the main thing.
  • The Doctor of Medicine L.K. Dembsky takes the baton from Chirsky and shortly declares the essence of ophthalmologic competitions and nominations.
  • The presenter catches up the speech of L.K. Dembsky.
  • The presenter introduces the members of judicial team watching the fulfillment of game rules by the participants of nominations, the arbitrator solving points at issue. Members of judicial team and the arbitrator come out to the public view.
  • The presenter introduces the judges of competition. They take their workplaces
  • The presenter tells in brief in what directions competition - game will be carried out. He invites on the stage three teams of participants. The toss-up of teams is carried out right there
  • The presenter directs 6 participants to the training operating room, 6 participants to the stage - for localization and removal of a foreign body from an eye, the same number to a computer for testing and 6 persons to a competitive table for participation in theoretical or comic competition. At the same time music sounds in loud speakers.
  • The presenter invites all present people to the hall to watch a «Documentary about CRCVR» and carrying out of operation at the Centre of eye microsurgery of Semashko Republic Clinical Hospital.
  • The competition is in progress, fans support the teams
  • The presenter offers everyone to look on the TV monitor how operation (either in direct transmission or in record)is going on with comments of Candidate of Medical Science N.V. Ivanova
  • The presenter declares the beginning of comic competitions (cheerful nominations) (to peel an apple) …
  • The presenter invites a guest of the Competition - a singer Dmitrieva Alyona, a student of vocalists competitions for the performance of -
  • The presenter invites one of the judges into the operating room to be convinced how everything goes on practically
  • The presenter is given the protocols on nominations. He hands them over to the judges (chairman). The jury processes protocols together with the programmer
  • The results of the competition are seen on the screen. Winners are indicated.
  • The presenter declares the winners. All three teams are already on the stage.
  • There is a rewarding of winners on nominations. Diplomas and prizes are presented. Well-known and respected people in Crimea hand them over to the winners.
  • After rewarding of each nominee there is a musical gift (invited performers: Alyona Dmitrieva, Konstantin Frolov and members of amateur art activities of Medical University)
  • The presenter let have the floor: to Minister of Health of Crimea, to pro-rectors on an educational and scientific department.

The presenter invites the participants and visitors to «a sweet table». Music sounds.

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