The basic channels of the information reception
To evaluate an opportunity of mastering of a lecture material by the students on this faculty the expert estimation of a potential opportunity of such method of teaching was carried out at which the basic information channel is oral.
In the process of teaching it is necessary to take into account what channel prevails at the person.
The perception of the material by the given individual becomes inconvenient if the information is given to him in not clear "language" for him, in fact a picture of the world as the information conglomerate, considerably differs at, for example, audio and kinesthetic. In the same situation audio will remember sound impressions, kinesthetic will be interested completely with the other aspect of the received information - olfactory, palpable, etc.
There is no sense to give to a visual the significant volume of the information only in the form of speech. The large part of it will not be perceived and still the lesser part will be acquired. And indeed in such form the study material is given to students while the percentage of people with leading audio modality is rather insignificant – according to various data from 25 up to 30 %. Hence:
Taking into account, on the one hand, the limitation of perception, i.e. comprehensibility of the material received on the audio channel, on the other hand the predominance on faculty of this channel of getting information, it is possible to explain the reason of such low efficiency of lectures.
Of course according to pedagogical technologies before any lecture the teacher is obliged to give the report, what he can expect during stating the material, necessarily taking into account leading modalities of the students receiving the information from the teacher.
The greatest efficiency can have only that lecture where all information channels are used in regular intervals.
Each teacher of any faculty aspires to maximum mastering by students of the subject, but frequently it is not possible to him, since the basic dependence of comprehensibility on a method of material presenting is not taken into account. So, if a teacher gives a material simply telling, that is orally, students will acquire that material only on 10 %. The tabular material will increase comprehensibility, making on average 20 %. The involvement of audio and visual channels with use of a visual support (a demonstration material in the form of slides, films) will finish comprehensibility of a material with 50 %. The involvement the kinesthetic channel in the form of independent work on simulators, real devices and apparatuses with the solutions of the tasks set by the teacher leads up the material comprehensibility to 90%.
- Audio or the verbal channel provides 10% of comprehensibility;
- Visual - 20%;
- Audiovisual - 50%;
- Audio + motor or kinesthetic channel in the form of independent work on ophthalmic simulators, real devices and apparatuses - 90%.
From this it is possible to draw the following conclusion - the more information channels it is used, the better and higher comprehensibility, and graphic and acoustic giving of the information should be necessarily fixed by the exercises.
Besides it is necessary to note that reception such a high level of comprehensibility of a subject is provided not with a mechanical combination of methods of the information transfer, but unification of methods of a material presentation in the uniform technology of transfer of knowledge and skills acquiring.
Materials of the second special Berlin congress of vocational training which have coincided with the results of comprehensibility received by us depending on a method of a material presentation, have shown tendencies of development and a way of the decision of practical questions in educational process.
The aspiration to increase the efficiency of educational process resulted in search of new modern methods of organization of educational process and their optimization. Needs for qualitative teaching of students and advanced training of experts have caused the study of didactic bases of teaching in many branches of a national economy of leading advanced countries.
In process of search of the most effective pedagogical technologies we determined the general tendency for all countries - frequently weak initial general educational preparation, lack of time for comprehension of the basic material, weak knowledge by foreign citizens of language on which teaching is carried out, and what the most important is the absence of uniform standards of teaching, criteria of efficiency and quality during knowledge transfer.
By realization of patent search, efficiency of various pedagogical techniques and methodologies was studied: imitating methods of active teaching (G.D.Zhaboedov, 1989), application of simulators (A.I.Gmyrya, 1985), educational games (N.N.Alexandrov, 1993) and many other.
Methods of improvement of teaching and educational process in higher school were studied in the Volgograd polytechnic institute. They were engaged in didactics, questions of ordering and modeling in teaching and educational process in Dnipropetrovs’k state university. Kushelev J.I., Bondin O.A., Glyzdov I.M., Uskov V.G., Mazaev A.A., etc. were engaged in organization of educational process with use of supervising and teaching systems.
Various experts addressed to questions of teaching methods optimization. On faculty of eye illnesses of the Kiev medical academy, on practical trainings and lectures they apply imitating methods of active teaching which are based on a combination of memorization of ready data and independent creative activity.
For comprehensibility of the studied material on the theme «Clinical eye refraction», from Novoanensky medical territorial association, Moldova, it is offered the model of an eye. The educational visual aid is made from rubber sphere with traction devices and flexible elements. (Pahinov J.P.)
The teaching model of an angle of the forward chamber of an eye is offered by professor Cherednichenko V.M., faculty of an ophthalmology of the Ukrainian institute of advanced training of doctors; Kharkov. Training on model facilitates orientation of students at the subsequent gonioscopy on the patient.
The faculty of eye illnesses of Dagestan medical institute (Aliev A-G.D.) offered a mathematical modelling of process of the human eye astigmatism.
However, each of the indicated innovations represents separately taken method. Still actual problem is a creation of essentially new system of teaching, as integration of the techniques consisting in turn from separate methods.