Didactic bases of lecture teaching
Today with special the acuteness a problem of modifying of educational process arises before higher schools teachers. Constantly increasing information flow, receipt on the professional market new technologies causes necessity of reorganization of vocational teaching, and widely widespread and existing traditional system in the higher school where the basic place is taken with explanatory teaching methods, do not allow achieving desirable result.
Traditionally accepted pedagogical approach becomes at the given stage not actual enough to fulfill a problem of qualitative training of experts. As far the volume of scientific knowledge is intensively increased, so the teaching system of this knowledge and quality of its mastering should be intensively guided and changed.
Teaching - the creative act, its basis, as well as bases of creativity, do not bear stagnancy, static character. Only the change of techniques with preservation of methodological bases will not result in substantial increase of the teaching efficiency.
The pedagogical science from the most different items tries to ensure transition of teaching system to the new contents. Physiologists, hygienists, methodologists, psychologists consider quite reasonably that the average student is in the condition to acquire a program material in all subjects and only the absence of uniform general educational technologies does not allow him to do it.
Such requirements are completely met by the innovational educational system created in Ukraine «Intensive technologies of medical staff training «KRYM•MED•DIDACTIC» » (it is registered in State agency of Ukraine of copyrights and neighboring rights ПА № 3003 from 28.04.2000), where each student, whether it is a student, doctor or clinical intern makes everything personally, convincing in correctness of the theory. The educational center «KRYM•MED•DIDACTIC» was created on the basis of this system at the Crimean Republic center of vision rehabilitation. Virtually - training technologies were taken as a basis. A basis of technology is modelling all elements of a submitted material. The same principles are laid in the didactic bases of a lecture material, using the experience of V.I. Kramarenko with the co-authors (1999), stated in the manual «The technique of teaching of economic disciplines» with sections: didactic principles of teaching, pedagogical skill and its component, factors of the lecture success and a technique of lecture reading.
Didactic teaching principles
Conditions of educational lecture success
Even the best text is not yet a good lecture though an originality of lecture as forms of pedagogical work is so much that it is very difficult to give categorical recommendations in this matter. On the other hand, methodical practice allows considering a lot of the established arguments, in particular the major factors guaranteeing the success of lecture.
Teaching at the educational center "KRYM•MED•DIDACTIC" is carried out in the special audience equipped with audiovisual means and educational stands – ophthalmic simulators, what as a whole allows to imitate work of organ of vision and to resolve various clinical tasks. With the help of the educational equipment it is possible to collect circuits of a different degree of complexity and to find the optimum clinical decision. The big set of ophthalmic simulators, modelling various kinds of a clinical refraction in dynamics, the functioning of the accommodative apparatus of eye, oculomotorius, skiascopic simulator, simulators modelling torticollis, process of glasses adjustment, all kinds of correction and many other things allow to carry out teaching both students and interns, residents and practical doctors.
At this the purpose was the submission of an ophthalmologic material using all three information channels. Thus, pedagogical technologies comprise both lecture, and a seminar material. And if during giving the material at an orthodox lecture reading students should perceive a material of the teacher on trust, frequently mechanically remembering something what in a new didactic system the teacher is obliged to prove competency of either, one or another postulate with the help of models and ophthalmic simulators. It is the radical difference of the indicated technology from usual the most widespread teaching techniques of a higher school.