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Psychological-pedagogical concepts of mastering and memory management processes

Method of teaching is the system of actions on management of trainee’s cognitive activity, which leads to mastering the contents of the training programs. It renders decisive influence on formation of skills of trainee’s work, and in accordance with a complicating of fulfilled problems the degree of this influence grows.

The method of teaching depends on the purposes of teaching, a method of mastering and trainee’s activity. When choosing methods of teaching it is important to know about their comparative applicability and efficiency, possible combinations to avoid unfairly intensive application of one method to the detriment of other.

As it is known the information-receptive and reproductive methods of teaching is applied in a higher school.

Information-receptive (or explanatory-illustrative) a method consists that knowledge is presented to a trainee in a ready form; he perceives it, realizes and saves in memory. This method provides the accelerated character of mastering of the information, allows to establish relationships of cause and consequence of the process, but is deprived opportunities of the description and analysis of methods to fulfill the certain actions and establish the reasons of typical mistakes of a trainee. As the given method is focused more on memory, than on thinking, it does not promote development of trainee’s independence, and the knowledge received in such a way are schematic and are fast forgotten. An example of the information-receptive or an explanatory-illustrative method is existence on faculty of eye illnesses before implementation of system "KRYM•MED•DIDACTIC" of orthodox system of teaching with efficiency of lectures of 6,7%.

At a reproductive method of teaching skills and abilities are formed not only on the basis of the analysis of the process cause and consequence, but revealing the reasons of typical medical mistakes at obligatory numerous simple repetition of actions. The second form is more effective as it requires the analysis of the activity, develops efficiency of thinking, ability to apply knowledge in different situations. Fastening and strengthening of skills, their finishing up to abilities is possible only at a reproductive method.

Mastering is a kind of activity on mental processing of the information including the following obligatory sequence of the main mental processes: perception - comprehension - memorization - application.

The theory of stage-by-stage formation of actions and concepts, which is directed on the analysis and disclosing of process of mastering, its stages and development of recommendations of trainee’s activity construction ways on each stage corresponds to the greatest degree to process of teaching on simulators. The central concept of the theory is the trainee’s action, which is described by independent characteristics: the form, a generalization degree, a thoroughness degree and a mastering degree.

The form of action characterizes a level of trainee’s actions appropriation on the path to his transformation from external (material) in internal (mental) action. The form of action can be material or materialized (the object of action is given accordingly in the form of real subjects or circuits, models, drawings), outer vocal (loud vocal), mental (the action is carried out about itself; its objects are ideas or concepts).

Application of the considered theory of stage-by-stage formation of actions requires radical reorganization of the program of teaching where the theoretical part should be reduced up to a minimum, and the basic emphasis is to be made on practical improvement of actions on a simulator.

To form skills and abilities on the basis of the indicated theory it was necessary to develop teaching program, algorithms of the problem solving, system of tasks and problem tasks according to the stages of mastering, to determine parameters of the incoming and outgoing control, and also methods of teaching and sequence of their application for each stage of mastering. Educational tasks should be combined into one integrated system; when the solving of each present-day problem prepares methods of the solving of the subsequent.

During teaching and the subsequent practical activities it is necessary for a trainee to process and remember a great number of information. In this process human memory plays an extremely important role. The knowledge of its opportunities and the factors influencing the processing and memorization of the information during teaching, allows to control memory and to organize teaching on simulators with the greatest efficiency.

In psychology of teaching it is accepted to divide mistakes into four categories: failure to execute required action; inaccurate fulfillment of required action; delayed fulfillment of required action and fulfillment of unrequired action. In the process of teaching the most frequent is wrong fulfillment of required action. A poor knowing of operations fulfillment technology results in their omission or change of fulfillment sequence. Fulfillment of false technological operation, i.e. not required action, is, as a rule, consequence of information overload.

Mistakes interpreting and their diagnosing require the careful approach, knowledge of the existing norms, allowable errors, specific features of operators, high qualification of the teacher, etc. There is the great responsibility of a teacher which role consists not so much in fixation of mistakes, as in the analysis and disclosing of the reasons, their generating, and in active management of teaching process. One of the effective methods of the fastest elimination of mistakes is demonstration of erroneous actions of a trainee on a background of reference actions.

Accuracy of trainee’s work is a parameter of conformity of his actions to the set program and it is reached not at once, but gradually, and can be increased by teaching. Therefore in exercise (according to a training level) it is necessary to determine precisely a level of accuracy (from minimum up to set), which should be achieved by the trainee.

Accuracy of work of a student is influenced with such factors as knowing of the importance of a solved problem, development during teachings of visual - impellent connections, duly receipt of the information on deviations from the standard, helps and reference points (providing orientation and self-control during teaching), etc. Accuracy of work of a student characterizes his activity as a whole. As well as at teaching for the correctness of actions, it is impossible to try to achieve simultaneously high accuracy and speed of action.

After formation of skills on exercises the teaching of students on a simulator enters a final phase which basis are trainings.

Training is a process of perfection of the skills acquired in exercises, by regular repetitions with the purpose to improve the automation of actions, fastening of their correctness, accuracy and speed, the adaptation of an organism and trainee’s mentality to the certain conditions of activity. Besides the trainings are carried out with the purpose to restore the lost skills after a long break, for example in activity of a surgeon. Ophthalmic simulator should be used for repeated regular trainings escalating complexity at the constant control, self-control, clarification and perfection of mastered actions.

Numerous researches have shown that slow rate of exercises on simulators on a initial stage of training is the most rational as trainee on this stage makes a lot of mistakes. Their comprehension and correcting requires additional time, and at increased rate the trainee concentrates the basic attention not on correctness and accuracy of actions, but on their timeliness. At the same time transition from slow carrying out of actions to fast occurs with the reorganization of their structure, and it is carried out in the best way, when the structure of slow executed action is acquired correctly. In this case all components of action are gradually generalized and according to their mastering the action of a trainee start to be quickly reduced, many of their components cease to be realized and consequently the rate of actions can be increased, leading up them up to skill.

When forming the tempo (rate) of the task fulfillment it is necessary to start with individual opportunities of a trainee to process the incoming information correctly and precisely. At too small rate, as well as at too small steps of teaching (portions), exercises can appear too easy for a trainee, what will result him in a monotonous condition, will reduce interest to teaching and its effectiveness as the activity of a trainee in acquirement of the skill and a variety of exercises are the major conditions of teaching success. The best results in teaching on simulators are achieved by affording an opportunity to a trainee to execute exercise in a rate convenient for him.

In accordance with the skill strengthening it is possible to increase the rate of the information presentation, having finished it up to the set (normative) level on a final stage of the skill formation.

During training on a simulator it occurs to a trainee the condition of an emotional stress that is shown in the form of activation of various functions of an organism. At this a trainee becomes more vigilant and careful, his actions become more precise, processes of thinking are accelerated, the latent period is shortened etc. The emotional stress in normal forms promotes the mobilization of the organism resources to overcome difficulties and helps the trainee in training. Therefore, if the task seems to be simple, it is necessary to complicate it knowingly at the expense of a load increase. The parameters determining a load can be the amount, frequency of receipt and intensity of the incoming information, which a trainee should process during the set time.

The control of the group activity should provide an individual estimation of each trainee and an integrated grade of works of the whole group. Knowledge acquirement of the groups is determined not only by a degree of readiness of each of its members, but also by their harmony in work when solving the set task. Decrease of a learning efficiency is typical for the initial stage of transition from individual teaching to a group one. Good results for the compensation of this phenomenon, especially in the groups formed from people with a low level of readiness, use of individual feedback with each trainee gives, individual encouragement trained during teaching. However these measures are expedient only in the beginning of the group training as on the training the immediate information on mistakes is more acceptable, and analysis of actions at the end of teaching. Besides during training the temporary substitution of the untrained student for the trained one or inclusion in the group a doctor with an operational experience gives good results.

The choice of criterion of efficiency of the group activity is the important condition of success of group training. As a rule, team members pay the basic attention firstly to that parameter according to which they find out about the results of their individual activity, and secondly to the final parameters determining success of the group work as a whole. The integrated evaluation of the group work should be as a rule the achievement rate having quantitative expression, for example probability of duly fulfillment of the problem set for the group.

Group training should end with its analysis. Analysis is expedient to conduct in two stages. First the trainees themselves carry out the analysis of alternative methods of the problem solving, discuss and evaluate actions of separate team members. Individual estimations of the action separate elements fulfillment by each operator allow finding and promptly eliminating the certain mistakes influencing success of trainee’s activity and group as a whole. Then the chief of training carries out the general analysis and analysis of actions of everybody with demonstration of erroneous actions on a background reference. The more carefully the group actions analysis on the basis of all set of objective quantitative parameters, including psycho physiological parameters of the trainees’ stress is made, the faster and more qualitatively the strategy of exclusion of mistakes will be worked out and a required level of professional work of trainees will be achieved.

Development of the theory simulators building requires the uniform methodical approach, the further development and systematization of questions of designing, operation and application of simulators.

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